Voices from the Past
Theme for NSW History Week 2023
So many stories to share!! We’re excited to have 2 events included in the NSW History Week 2023 program. If you’re interested in history and enjoy a leisurely walk, check out these intriguing History Week Guided Walks at Lake Conjola Entrance (Shoalhaven) and The Rocks (Sydney – Poihākena).
Conjola Stories – History Week Guided Walk – September 5th-9th 2023
Find out more: https://historycouncilnsw.wildapricot.org/event-5389469
What’s the difference between ‘Conjola Stories – History Week Guided Walk’ and Conjola tours that run through-out the year?
Conjola Stories – History Week Guided walk has a focus on local history. Conjola tours are an eco-tour, with stories about nature/natural environment. Another difference is the price – just $30 for a History Week Walk!

Poihākena tour: stories of Māori in Sydney since 1793 – September 9th 2023
Find out more: https://historycouncilnsw.wildapricot.org/event-5365904
What’s the difference between Poihākena tours for History Week and Poihākena tours that run through-out the year?
Our History Week tour is a rare opportunity for single bookings – anyone can book on this tour with no minimum numbers!
During the rest of the year, Poihākena tours: stories of Māori in Sydney can be booked for private tours and groups (minimum 8 people).