Hohepa Ruhe, Kotahi Tourism Director

Poihākena tours win 2015 National Trust Heritage Award

National Trust Media Release May 18 2015

In every corner of Australia, communities and individuals band together to bring to life our historical and cultural landmarks. These people have been honoured by the National Trust at this year’s Heritage Festival Awards for their outstanding contributions to Australia’s heritage landmarks.

This year’s National Trust Heritage Awards recognised 222 years of Māori history and heritage in Australia by awarding Kotahi Tourism’s Poihākena tours, as the 2015 Education and Interpretation award winner.

The 2-hour walking tours interpret the rich heritage and culture of Māori in Sydney. Led by Māori guides, Poihākena tours are based in The Rocks where Māori have lived, loved, visited, traded, worked and died since 1793. The project contributes to heritage conservation and education with new stories, perspectives and interpretation of Australian history.

The awards are the signature event of the Heritage Festival and showcase the work of each nominated project, which are saving our past for future generations. The winning projects come in the form of built heritage, natural sites, objects, adaptive re-use, advocacy campaigns, research and education.

National Trust NSW CEO Brian Scarsbrick notes that The Heritage Awards are as much about our future as it is about our past. “We owe a debt of gratitude to all our award winners including Kotahi Tourism. What they have managed to give us what is always a wonderful gift for the future.”

The new NSW Minister for Environment and Heritage, Mark Speakman, was in attendance and made a speech to commend and congratulate all the nominated projects.

For more information on the great work Kotahi Tourism is doing including Poihākena tours project, follow them on facebook, instagram and twitter ; check out their website or book a tour today.Book Now

 For more information on the National Trust NSW, contact Jonas Tobias from Men at Work & Talking Heads on 0431 906 814 or at Jonas@wearetalkingheads.com.au

Kotahi Tourism media contact:
Hohepa Ruhe
Mob: 0405 411 394
E:  info@kotahitourism.com