New Aboriginal tour in Sydney: Wyanga Malu Walkayai

Video: The day the Kotahi Tourism team experienced a Wyanga Malu tour…


Wyanga Malu Walkayai is a 4-hour mini-bus tour visiting five significant Aboriginal sites in Sydney. Run by Dreamtime Southern X, the tour has been curated (stories, places and experiences) by Aunty Margret Campbell.

“The tour began by giving me a different appreciation and greater value for a place that I pass by nearly everyday right smack in the middle of hustling Sydney. The rock carvings overlooking the harbour were pretty special too, and using “breathe taking” to describe them leaves out the significance they have with our Indigenous ancestors long past. Of course all of this would not have been possible without Aunty Margret Campbell weaving her magic to take us on a journey that was both a privilege and a pleasure. What I learned on that day …is beyond words.” Brent Reihana – Poihākena tours Guide (Kotahi Tourism).

Wyanga Malu tours can be booked anytime on request. Minimum numbers apply. Please contact us for bookings and more information.