Kotahi Tourism

Kotahi Tourism offer Māori, Aboriginal and natural environment tours, education programs and cruises in Sydney and New South Wales Coast (Conjola, Narooma and Scotts Head).

Fishermans Paradise

Australian Heritage Festival event in Fishermans Paradise

Have you ever been curious as you drive past the signpost for Fishermans Paradise on Princes Highway, about what’s down the end of the road? Is it really a Fishermans Paradise? In our research while developing Conjola tours, we were intrigued to also come across stories of the history of Fishermans Paradise and surrounds, and

Australian Heritage Festival event in Fishermans Paradise Read More »

New Aboriginal tour in Sydney: Wyanga Malu Walkayai

Video: The day the Kotahi Tourism team experienced a Wyanga Malu tour…   Wyanga Malu Walkayai is a 4-hour mini-bus tour visiting five significant Aboriginal sites in Sydney. Run by Dreamtime Southern X, the tour has been curated (stories, places and experiences) by Aunty Margret Campbell. “The tour began by giving me a different appreciation and greater value

New Aboriginal tour in Sydney: Wyanga Malu Walkayai Read More »